Monday 1 September 2014

Motorhomes and Campervans

Modern caravans and motorhomes are increasingly using solar pv panels mounted on the roof to help keep the batteries charged. Solar powered battery charging enables the use of lighting, refrigeration, laptops and entertainment equipment miles away from the nearest mains connection. For many motorhome owners, true freedom is not being 'tied' to a power cable.

Solar panels are far more popular on a motorhome or campervan than a wind turbine, due to ease of use and mounting. Solar power also tends to suit the pattern of use, as most leisure vehicles are used more in the sunnier months of the year.

Solar pv modules are either installed flat onto the motorhome roof structure using small brackets, or fitted onto a tilting frame. A high strength bonding agent such as Sikaflex can be used to avoid roof penetrations.

The power from the solar panels normally feeds into a large 'domestic' battery. A solar charge controller or regulator is used between the panels and the batteries to prevent battery overcharging. The more advanced controllers provide the user with information such as the charging current, battery voltage and some will even record the solar pv system's performance over time.

The number and size of the solar panels to fit to a motorhome is often more dependant on the available installation space and budget, than on daily energy use. Most owners are simply looking to get as much charge as possible into the batteries.

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